Store Information & Access

Mita/Tamachi: 2 Bays

The Golf House 三田店
NameThe Golf House Mita/Tamachi
Hours24/7, 365 days
Bays1 Left & Right Bay
1 Right Bay
Address2-30-15 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0014, MMS Building 4F
Access6 minutes walk from Mita Station, 7 minutes walk from Shiba Koen Station

This location offers 2 bays, each equipped with the latest TrackMan 4. Conveniently located, it’s just a short walk from both Mita and Shiba Koen stations.

Kyobashi-Hatchobori: 2 Bays

The Golf House 京橋八丁堀店
NameThe Golf House Kyobashi-Hatchobori
Hours24/7, 365 days
Bays1 Left & Right Bay
1 Right Bay
Address3-3-1 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0032, Urbanex Hatchobori 1F
Access4 minutes walk from Kyobashi Station, 4 minutes walk from Hatchobori Station, 2 minutes walk from Takaracho Station

This location offers 2 bays in private rooms, allowing for private practice in a 24-hour facility. It’s conveniently located just minutes away from Kyobashi, Hatchobori, and Takaracho stations.

Ochanomizu: 1 Bay

The Golf House 御茶ノ水店
NameThe Golf House Ochanomizu
Hours24/7, 365 days
Bays1 Left & Right Bay
Address1-9-7 Kanda Awajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0063, Meikei Building B1F
Access5 minutes walk from Ochanomizu Station, 2 minutes walk from Awajicho Station

This location offers a private space with a single bay, equipped with the latest facilities. Conveniently located, it’s just 5 minutes from Ochanomizu Station and 2 minutes from Awajicho Station.

[Fully Booked] Musashi-Koyama: 1 Bay

The Golf House 武蔵小山店
NameThe Golf House Musashikoyama
Hours24/7, 365 days
Bays1 Right Bay
Address4-2-3 Koyama, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 142-0062, The City Musashi-Koyama 9F
Access2 minutes walk from Musashi-Koyama Station

This location offers 1 right bay and 1 bay that is suitable for both left and right-handed golfers, just 2 minutes from Musashi-Koyama Station.
Currently fully booked, so we are not accepting new reservations at this time.